The following are companions found in the game: To lockpick a locked safe or a door, head to it with a mag-lock and press: For a game full of vaults packed with valuable goods, these skills will enrich you. They will allow you to open locks and access locked areas. These are very valuable skills in the game. Read Also: Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord cheats and console commands Lockpicking and Hacking You will have to steal it from the head security officer. The Riot Baton (Shock Stick): It is located in the Geothermal Plant.It is usually next to a corpse in the canyon area. The Light Machine Gun (Ol’ Reliable): It is located in the Primal Nest.The Impact Hammer (Maxwell): It is usually up for sale at the Emerald Vale General Store.You will have to kill the bandit leader to acquire it. The Triple Blade (Blad-On-Stick): It is located in the Marauder Hideout.However, we have all the information you need to get your hands on them. Some of the weapons are very unique and are very hard to locate in the game. Here are the cheats available for both consoles: Where and how to get unique weapons AddItemDebug 1 – Adds the item keyed in into your inventory.įor those playing the game on PS4 and Xbox, the cheats are a bit different and more technical.SetWeaponLevel 1 – Upgrades the weapon level.SetArmorLevel 1 – Upgrades the armor level.AddPerkPointsToCompanions – Increases perk points to companions.PerkPointsAdd – Increases perk points to you character.DebugUnlockCompanion – Unlocks the companion keyed in.QuestComplete – Completes the quest keyed in.QuestStart – Starts the quest keyed in.AddCurrency 1 – Increases your currency.Teleport – You are teleported to wherever the debug camera is looking at.SaveGame IgnoreSuperNova – A new save game is created, even on the Supernova difficulty.Now that you know how to unlock the console, here’s a list of all the console commands in the game and what they do: Read Also: The Long Dark PC commands and cheats

Press ‘Alt + Tab’ followed by the Tilde key (left of the ‘1’ key) to open the console.Run the IGCSInjector.exe from the file you extracted earlier.Once at the main menu, press ‘Alt + Tab’.Go to Fearless Revolution and download the ZIP file.If you want to access The Outer Worlds console, you’ll need to download SunBeam’s The Outer Worlds Unlocker.