Morrowind ordinator armor mod
Morrowind ordinator armor mod

Gives NPCs schedules, locks doors at nights, and generally makes Morrowind less static. A small mod that better updates your journal after reading shrine texts with all the information, instead of just And no more renting a room and staying in it forever you squatter. You should see a Healer." Now there's Healers to actually go see. Molagmer quests now become available to anyone with a reputation of 10. Three Legion quest givers offer freelance work after you've proven yourself. A nice little mod that allows you to do and finish quests you stumble on without having to join a faction. Your companions, and those who like you (disp>95).including the expansions and ones found in mods, past and future. Give orders to lower ranking faction members, your slaves, A stand alone mod that also complements Dracandros' Voice. Tired of merchants putting on the armor you sell them and then not offering it for sale later on? Get this and Enemy punches will now do health damage instead of fatigue damage. Give orders to your followers in your faction as well as other improvements to NPCs. If the character disturbs too many urns/barrow chests and will start disturbing the character in turn. And finally there's a chance the dead will label the character a "Gravedigger" There'sĪlso a chance you'll find more than just bonemeal. There's a 25% with this mod that the character will disturb the dead when they look in urns or barrow chests. Adds a much needed dose of realism to the Make campfires and straw items, fill empty bottles from kegs and wells, and more. Cooking and Brewing Poisons, Sewing and Leatherworking, Pottery, Woodcutting and Carpentry, and Mining and Smithing. Adds a crate that contains random items for sale based on the type of shop it is, excluding Adds a few things that were included in the expansion, but didn't appear in the game. Lets you know if you kill anyone essential to the Bloodmoon quests. Mod is configurable via simple console commands. Gore level configurable by spells and every aspect of the Player characters, NPCs, and creatures will now bleed. Check out Morrowind Un-Mod below as well. Removes unnecessary statics from Balmora for a better framerate.

morrowind ordinator armor mod morrowind ordinator armor mod

Conflicts with Complete Morrowind Full/Part 5: Smithing for obvious reasons. 8 public forges with vendors to sell you the materialsĪnd equipment you'll need.

morrowind ordinator armor mod

Allows the character to smith 13 types of armor: Ebony, Glass, Bone, Dwemer, Steel, Iron, Imperial Templar, ImperialĬhain, Imperial Steel, Orcish, Indoril, Nordic Iron/Ringmail and Dreugh. Tired of starting your new characters on a prison ship? Try this! 5 new alternate beginnings to choose from.

Morrowind ordinator armor mod